Optimisation starts with information
The SoBenefit® (col)lab
Data, research, thoughts, ideas, expertise, reports: our blog page’s purpose is to inspire change not only in the way benefits are used in companies and for employees, but also leveraged for the common greater good of employees, employers and the work ecosystem. We’ll share what we find relevant to equip Chief People Officers, Compensation and Benefits Managers, Talent and Engagement leaders in their mission.
Infographic on must-known employee benefits related information for the Syntec (High tech and Consulting Industry) CBA
The post pandemic new deal for insurance brokers networks
Typical challenges impacting employee benefits in a carve out M&A deal and key steps
Pet insurance : one of the future “hottest employee benefit” in Europe?
Why should the management of employee benefits only be the prerogative of large companies ?
How the French market is gradually converging towards the TPA model we observe abroad
Typical challenges met by fast growing and scale-up companies in their global benefits management and key steps